How to setup Omnisend integration

Let's get you set up with Omnisend and sending emails to your ambassadors! 

Sign up for Omnisend 

Omnisend is an e-commerce email marketing platform. They have a generous free plan and all the features you'll need for your Shopify store. 

Sign up here.

Follow the sign-up prompts and come back here when you're done. 

Create an API key 

To connect Omnisend to the app, you'll need to create an API key.

Log in to Omnisend and then click this link to open your API keys. 

Click Create API Key. 

Choose a name for your API key - "Ambassador App" is fine. 

Select "This API key will only allow to add new subscribers" 

Click Save

Copy API key 

After you've created your API key, copy it (it should be a long combination of letters and numbers). 

Paste your key into the Ambassador & Affiliates app in the Emails tab. 

Click Save.

How to send emails to your ambassadors 

After you've added the Omnisend API key to the app settings, you can start to send emails to your ambassadors. 

All ambassadors added to Omnisend will have the ambassador tag. 

Create segment 

Let's create a segment for only our ambassadors. 

Login to Omnisend and click the Audience tab. 

Click the  Create segment button. 

Search for tag and click  Tag

Set the options to Value, Is, ambassador

Click  Add.

Once you have that filter on, click  Save segment. 

Name it Ambassadors and click  Save segment. 

You can verify you created it by going to the  Segments tab and checking. 

Send Campaign 

Now let's send an email campaign to our ambassadors.

Go to the  Campaigns tab and click New campaign. 

Choose Email campaign.

Fill out the rest of the campaign settings and send it when you're ready! 

If you haven't set up a sender's email address, you'll need to do that as well. 

To get more help with Omnisend, I recommend going to their Help Portal.